~ni la aku~

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sweet to look... simple to know... smart to stand...


Monday, February 14, 2011

..:: Rindunyaaaaaa... ::..

lamanya dah tak post sumthin' to share in my blog...page pun macam kurang berseri je...aku la rasa macam tu...tapi okay la sebab reason tak on9 my adaptor tu buat hal...anyway bukan pe pun fius je yang mogok...ntahla padahalnye baru ganti tu...but then my hero dah tolong settle up kan...so thats why la today ble kembali mewriting-writing and typing typing here...
macam ada beberapa news nak sharing...maklumlh sharing is caring but then belum de mood nak tapis which one nak jot down dulu...so maybe esok la kot ek...lagipun esok cuti lagi :-p manelah tau sempena maulidur rasul sok ble semangat nak tulis-tulis...sok pun my hero keje pagi...hhhmmm macam best je sebab esok public holiday...so that mustilah next month de lebih2 rezeki nak minta dia belanja makan....huhuhu...
k la for those out there if tanpa sengaja terenter my page, as usual, do leave any comment and suggestion okay....
also for those yang maybe follower of my e-novel nanti la i contonue the chapter okay...memang idea tengah banyak ni tapi still belum pecah (ala-ala awan mengandung hujan la kununnyeee....) ahaiiii!!!

so till then, watch out


~it's me~

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